Our fully licensed and experienced insurance field underwriters and producers help you decide what the best coverages are that you and your family need for unexpected life events that occur to people every day.
Pick between 40 of out “A” Rated Carriers that we partner with who compete against each other to give you the best coverage options you want, and prices that fit into your buget.
We work for YOU, NOT the carriers. Gettiing you exactly what you need within your budget is what separates us from the competiton.
The Many Perks and Versions of Term Life Insurance (“Living Benefits”!)
Term Life Insurance: protects a policyholder for a set amount of years (a ‘‘term'‘ period), lasting 10,20,30 or more years. Term policies always provide a death benefit payout that pays the entire face value of the policy to the beneficiary or trust if the policyholder dies, *The payout is subtracted by any loans taken out from the policy, as well as any Living Benefits used from the policy - this all assumes that the policyholder has kept up with making all of their premium payments unles they also have a “Waiver of Premium Rider” as a part of their policy..
Term policies can provide “Living Benefits”. These benefits exist to protect the policyholder from unexpected health conditions that occur during the policy’s term period. This means that if the policyholder gets diagnosed during the policy term period with a Terminal Illness, Chronic Illness or Critical Illness, they are then able to access a portion of the policy’s face value ammount to pay for medical costs while the policyholder is still living *(assuming they picked a Term policy with Living Benefits). The death benefit will still be paid out in the event that the policyholder dies, though in a reduced amount if Living Benefits have been triggered while the policy is active.
A Benefit of Term Policies: Policy premium costs are locked in when the policy is initially purchased after having its application approved. Premiums never rise once the policy is purchased unless alterations are made to the policy. **NOTE: Once the policyholder gets their policy activated and in-force , the policy’s premium price is protected from rising, either due to the policyholder aging, getting diagnosed with a new health condition, sustaining injury, a negative legal judgement or car accident that could raise the policy’s premium price. Either of these instances can lead to the policyholder’s premium rising significantly, and even disqualifiying them from them getting coverage.
“Riders’’ are policy ‘add-on’ coverages, allowing policyholders to add additional coverage components to their policy that occur when the policy is being customized by the policyholder before purchasing the policy. Riders include, but are not limited to, “Return of Premium riders (ROP) which will pay back all of the premiums paid into the policy when the term is completed. Riders also include the Accellerated Death Benefit Rider (ADB), which allows the policyholder to receive a portion of their policy’s face value amount when they are still alive if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness, or need to help with medical costs or other needs. The Waiver of Premium Rider waives premium payments for the policyholder if he or she becomes disabled, ensuring the policy remains active and provides coverage. Accidental Death and Dismemberment riders (AD&D) provides an additional payout if the insured dies or suffers a covered injury in an accident. Child Term Rider provides term life insurance for the insured’s children allowing the mto access life insuranceeven if they develop a health condition later in life. Critical Illness Rider pays a lump sum if the insured is diagnosed with a covered criti Covercal illness such as Cancer, Heart Attach and Stroke. The Long Term Care Rider (LTC) allows the insured to use a portion of the death benefits to pay for Long Term Care expenses while they are living. The Family Income Rider provides additional coverage to supplement the main policy’s death benefit, encompass ensuring a higher income for the family in case of the insured policyholder’s death.
The riders are extra costs to add on to the premium of the term policy, however their cost is much more affordable than getting those types of coverages through stand-alone policies. We offer SO MUCH MORE than just a term life policy with a death benefit - policies can also be extended for longer and additional coverage after being initially purchased, and some riders allow you to do so at the same cost as when you first purchased the policy regardless of age or health conditions that were attained during the policy.
Whole Life, Universal Life, IUL’s, Long Term Care, and Annuities
Whole life: Get a Whole Life insurance policy that builds in cash value with plenty of features that can be customized with riders to perfect your coverage! These riders allow you to have all of the premium payements throughout the life of the policy paid back to you assuming that you do not have to use the death benenfit, take any loans from the policy during the life of the policy, or cancel the policy.
There are also other riders for a marginal cost that can offer an assortment of options to help pay for premiums if the policyholder becomes unemployed or injured/sick, and that allows them to access Living Benefits and Riders they get diagnosed with terminal, critical or other related diseases or illnesses. Payment amounts can be locked in. or you can choose other options for policyholders that allow you to customize payment throughout the policy life.
Universal Life (UL): Universal life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy that allows you to adjust your premiums and death benefit. It also has a savings component that grows tax-deferred.
How it works: you can increase or decrease your premiums, you can borrow against the cash value, the cash value grows tax deferred, the cash value can be used to pay premiums, if you die, your beneficiaries received the death benefit tax free
Benefits: universal life policies can help you protect your family and business.
It can help you build a legacy for your love ones
it can be more flexible than term life insurance
- If you deplete the cash value, you may need to pay higher premiums.
Paying the minimum premium not be enough to build up significant cash value.
IUL’s- IUL’s (Indexed Universal Life) policies are similar to whole life policies except they use the stock market to maximize their ability to create more wealth.
Purpose: Primarily a life insurance product offering a death benefit, with the potential for cash value growthtied to market indexes.
Investment Options: IUL cash value growth is tied to a stock market index, offering the potential for higher returns, but also market risk.
Risk: IUL’s carry market risk, as the cash value growth depends on the performance of the underline index.
Tax Treatment: Premiums are paid with premiums are paid with after-tax dollars after tax dollars, but the the cash value grows text birdcash value grows tax-deferred and the de and the Death Benefit is typically tax free.
Liquidity: IUL’s offer some flexibility, allowing for withdrawls and loans againstoans against the cash value, but these withdrawls may be taxed.
Annuities: Purpose: Primarily used for retirement income, providing a predictable stream of payments.
Death Benefit: some annuities offer a death benefit, but it's not the primary focus.
investment Options: Annuities come in various forms, including fixed, variable, and indexed, offering different levels of risk and potential returns.
Risk: Annuities, especially fixed annuities, offer more predictability and less risk than IUL’s, as they guarantee a certain level of income.
Tax Treatment: annuity payments are taxed as ordinary income, and a payout is typically tax as the money is withdrawn.
Mortgage Protection and Final Expense
Mortgage Protection:
Want to make sure that you and your family are protected from anything and everything? Get Term Mortgage Protection Quotes Today! This works very similarly to a term life insurnace policy, where the death benefit payout would be used to pay a portion or all of a mortgage. This allows the beneficiary to be able to pay off the mortgage, or to at least get enough money to be abele tomake some mortgage payments to allow them time to grieve and to sell the property at or close to its valued prce.
Final Expense:
Many people, especially those over the age of 60, sign up for Final Expense policies that act as Whole Life Insurance policies. These build in cash value as time progresses, have a death benefit, but mostly are used to ensure that if anything happens to the person’s spouse or partne, they will get a payout to pay for funeral expenses, burials, creamations and other related funeral expenses (though this money can be used for anything, those are just many of the reasons people buy those policies and what they predict they will use the money for in the future. *Also, look into our other top options like Annuities, Long Term Care, Accident Coverage and many more coverage types to help insured’s profit as well as protecting themselves and their families.
Our Services
Experience Matters
Navigate all of your options with Rip Friddell- a fully licensed insurance agent who has been in the business since 2017. He. hasworked in life insurance as well as health insurance, in addition to property and casualty insurance as both a fully licensed sales producer as well as an account manager and field underwriter.
There is no part of the business that We do not have experience with and also are connected with the very best “A” rated carriers in the country guaranteeing you get the right price for your budget and the best offer from all of the top competiting carriers in the nation. We help you compare and decide exactly what you need through every option available in the nation.
Carriers Compete For Your Price
We work with 40 of the best “A” rated carriers in the United States who compete against each other to provide you with the best price for the exact amount of coverage that you need. Even if you have present health conditions and history, we are confident we can find something that will be able to get you the protection you and your family needs and deserves. Let’s get you free options to consider now so that you can get covered as quickly as possibly and as affordably as possible before prices go up due to age or other unforeseen medical complications arising that could very easily knock you out of being able to get these protections. *Every week you wait the price increases for these coverage due to age of the client, and you potentially risk new health conditions arising for every day that you wait. It is better to get something in place now, within your budget, because you can lock you price in for good permanently, aand not risk price increases or new medical diagnosies..
Knowledge is Power
Ask all the questions you can think of on a live phone call to help you secure your future. Get quotes for a wide range of coverages after you schedule your call that could take less than 10 minutes! *Our goal is to get you and your family covered before its too late working within your budget, We can always add or lesses your coverage in the future, the important thing is that we get you covered before disqualifying health, legal, financial or other enexpecteded challenges arise that could prevent you from ever getting coverage, or at the very least ever getting affordable coverage with the best carriers in the nation.
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Welcome! Our mission here at RGF Protection Solutions is to make sure that you get the very best Life Insurance or Mortgage Protection coverage for you and your family at the lowest possible price!
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RGF Protection Solutions…
Through the industry leading company Symmetry Financial Group, Rip (Richard) Friddell partners with 40 “A” rated Life Insurance, IUL, Mortgage Protection, Long Term Care, Annuities and Final Expense carriers to offer you and your family the best coverage that is available on the market. Please feel free to send us ANY questions you have so that we can help you get prepared for the unexpected, Today!
*E-MAIL us at: ripfriddell@rgfprotectionsolutions.com
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